Evariste Busanga

Assisting refugees in North Dakota and Upper Midwest

Defend Truth Ministries

Defend Truth Ministries has three core convictions, abolishing abortion by proudly partnering with End Abortion Now by ministering the Gospel on the frontlines of the abortion mills (by God’s grace we have affirmed seven babies have been saved so far), conducting regular Evangelism outreaches to the public and to those who claim to be Chrisian, but have abandoned the essential Biblical truths for false and destructive teachings that represent a false Jesus and thus in the process a false gospel, such as Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and our Muslim neighbors. Finally, we hope to inspire, disciple, and equip fellow Christians by providing free resources such as tracts to use for personal evangelism, volunteering with us when we conduct outreaches, and providing new believers locations of good healthy local Churches where they will grow in the knowledge of the Lord and worship God in Spirit and in Truth. We seek to warn and call people out of a system of destruction that aims to manipulate the truth and corrupt mindsets. https://www.defendtruth.org/


From North Dakota to Texas to Washington, elementum’s staff is working to restore and launch young adults into their Kingdom purpose. Elementum is one small part in what God is doing, but has fingerprints in cities, churches, and leaders all around the globe.

Church Helps

Ken and Lorelei Polley serving churches as needed with leadership discipleship and training in US and around the globe. In 2003 Ken became the Executive Director of Church Renewal and Development with a mission agency while Lorelei extended her ministry of teaching through seminars and retreats, in addition to discipleship of women. Ken and Lorelei continue to serve the Kingdom in tandem, even though each of them have a specialized ministry focus.

Ken’s passion is church health and leadership development. His ministry focus is equipping churches and leadership through evaluating, resourcing, discipleship, and mentoring to help maximize their Kingdom effectiveness. Ken also serves through intervention work with churches in conflict, interim pastoral ministry, and assisting churches in their pastoral search process.

Lorelei’s passion is helping others connect with the Bible in a meaningful and life changing manner. Lorelei disciples women and trains people to orally communicate the Bible in an accurate, inductive, and conversational manner – helping them, and those they train, to discover spiritual truths and make personal application of the Bible. She is a Lead Instructor with Simply The Story (STS), travelling throughout the USA and internationally to train people in the STS process. This is an effective, non-threatening, evangelistic tool that can be used with all ages.

Discipleship Growth Ministries

Discipleship Growth Ministries is a ministry blending passion and precision in seeking personal and ministry growth in Christ, through appropriating faith. It has three main areas of focus – Discipleship, Global Outreach, and Assisting Those in Need. Its purpose is to make disciples and thereby presenting every man complete in Christ.

Rev Ministries

Works to evangelize and disciple unchurched people in the US through motorsports.  Do you like NASCAR?  Do you like the roar of the engines?  Do you love Jesus?  Well then this ministry would suit you!  

La Vid

Our purpose is simple – Spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Dominican Republic and develop disciples that can continue to work when we cannot be there. We have two major goals: Help the church in San Pedro to grow and thrive and To see greater things happen in Santo Domingo, with the hope of developing a stronger college group there and see them mature in their relationship with Christ

Light of the World Ministries

We work to share the love and message of Jesus Christ, to youth and young adults.  We work to connect students and young professionals with local, national and international Christian organizations and institutions that also provide educational and occupational Christian connections, resources and tools.

Prayer Pursuits

Increasing the level of prayer everywhere; one person at a time, ​one church at a time, one ministry event at a time, all the time!

Project Boost

Project Boost is a ministry that supports impactful ministries, nonprofits, and churches by providing solutions to the obstacles that keep them from flourishing. As a Christian business owner I have learned that Godly intentions are not enough to be successful in ministry or in business. Our goal is to provide hands-on reinforcements for smaller organizations that don’t have the resources to do all that they could do for the Kingdom. This goal is achieved by providing support in: Fundraising, Building project management, Consulting, and Operational development