Ministries List
MDN serves a wide variety of ministries around the globe: church planting, church growth, pastoral and leadership training, evangelism and discipleship, and community outreach development. Below is a list of our current ministries, a summary about them, and a link to support their mission.
Baltic Church Planters
Partnering with the national church in the Baltics and beyond, in partnership with Multiplication Network Ministries (MNM), to train, equip, support and encourage church planters
Bible Training Centers - Ukraine
Training Ukraine Church leaders who in turn develop discipleship programs within their churches to reach their communities with the Gospel of Christ.
Church Based Leadership Training - Kenya
The ultimate purpose of CBLT Kenya ministry is to strengthen the body of Christ with the truth and to work alongside churches to enhance evangelism to unreached communities so that the lost and unbelieving may get into a growing relationship with Christ. CBLT-Kenya has witnessed a steadily growing passion for Jesus Christ in the areas of Northwest Kenya and Eastern Uganda. We are training and equipping church leaders to spread the gospel to thousands in economically impoverished areas through prayer, family worship services, and the translation of documents for teaching.
Church Helps
Ken and Lorelei Polley Serving churches as needed with leadership, discipleship, and training in the US and around the globe. In 2003 Ken became the Executive Director of Church Renewal and Development with a mission agency, while Lorelei extended her ministry of teaching through seminars and retreats, in addition to discipleship of women. Ken and Lorelei continue to serve the Kingdom in tandem, even though each of them have a specialized ministry focus.
Defend Truth Ministries
Defend Truth Ministries has three core convictions, abolishing abortion by proudly partnering with End Abortion Now by ministering the Gospel on the frontlines of the abortion mills (by God’s grace we have affirmed seven babies have been saved so far), conducting regular Evangelism outreaches to the public and to those who claim to be Chrisian, but have abandoned the essential Biblical truths for false and destructive teachings that represent a false Jesus and thus in the process a false gospel, such as Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and our Muslim neighbors. Finally, we hope to inspire, disciple, and equip fellow Christians by providing free resources such as tracts to use for personal evangelism, volunteering with us when we conduct outreaches, and providing new believers locations of good healthy local Churches where they will grow in the knowledge of the Lord and worship God in Spirit and in Truth. We seek to warn and call people out of a system of destruction that aims to manipulate the truth and corrupt mindsets.
Discipleship Growth Ministries
Discipleship Growth Ministries is a ministry blending passion and precision in seeking personal and ministry growth in Christ, through appropriating faith. It has three main areas of focus – Discipleship, Global Outreach, and Assisting Those in Need. Its purpose is to make disciples and thereby presenting every man complete in Christ.
From North Dakota to Texas to Washington, elementum’s staff is working to restore and launch young adults into their Kingdom purpose. Elementum is one small part in what God is doing, but has fingerprints in cities, churches, and leaders all around the globe.
Evariste Busanga
Pastor Evariste serves the refugee community of Fargo, North Dakota and directs Mission of Hope for East Africa ministry. Mission of Hope works to bring the gospel to hard to reach areas of the Democratic Repbulic of the Congo.
Hope for Children
Hope for Children in Latvia seeks to follow Christ’s example of unconditional love and compassion in working with those most vulnerable to the effects of change and poverty.
La Vid
Our purpose is simple – Spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Dominican Republic and develop disciples that can continue to work when we cannot be there. We have two major goals: Help the church in San Pedro to grow and thrive and To see greater things happen in Santo Domingo, with the hope of developing a stronger college group there and see them mature in their relationship with Christ
Latavian Bible Center
The Latvian Biblical Centre is a non-denominational school which aims to educate church leadership and lay people through practical application of God’s Word and training in ministry skills.
Light for the Hunger Project
The Light for the Hunger Project (LFTH) is a community development center founded in March 2018 by Director Agostinho Augusto in Sofala province, Mozambique. LFTH’s mission is to take the name of Jesus to people in rural communities in Mozambique, teaching them to obey all that God has commanded them and multiply disciples into other communities. This includes teaching, modeling, and assisting with a variety of skills and ideas that lead to human flourishing.
Light of the World Ministries
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Organization of Local Communities Against Poverty
OLCAP (Organizations of Local Communities Against Poverty) exists to improve the quality of life of the people living in rural Kenya. They are a national NGO that promotes access to quality education, health care and economic empowerment through community participation and learning. F23
Prayer Pursuits
Increasing the level of prayer everywhere; one person at a time, one church at a time, one ministry event at a time, all the time!
Reproduction Training Network
Reproducing Disciples – Training Pastors – Developing Orphanages – Providing Humanitarian Care in Jesus’ Name.
SARA Ministries
The ministry began for the purpose of glorifying God – launching a movement to disciple church planters, care for orphans, and bring revival among believers in preparation for the coming of our King, the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1997, after much prayer, Pastor Tej and his family began SARA Church with four members in a small rented room in Kathmandu City. Today, by God’s grace, the church has over 250 committed members and continues to grow weekly.
Southeast Asia
Church planting ministries in Southeast Asia.
Equipping the community for life’s trials and temptations as fully devoted believers of Jesus by teaching the Word of God, reaching out in house to house Bible Studies, bringing in and teaching children and unbelievers to become believers by reading, memorization, and learning how to pray. We also provide a safe and fun place for children to play and socialize without fear of the surrounding area.
Victorious Faith Foundation
Victorious Faith Ministry (VFM), a Liberian NGO, founded, operated and overseen by Pastor Andrew Gombay – VFM continues to grow meeting the needs of 4 churches outside the city of Monrovia, 2 in Monrovia and 1 international church in Sierra Leone with a clinic, a mobile academy for orphans and less fortunate children, a community clinic, and a faith-based Rehab ministry – Addict to Disciple program (A2D).